Some thoughts on guitar schematics - part 1
A note up front: I have no real electrical experience or training. If anything in this post is incorrect, please let me know so I can understand it better! ☺️
Cedar-capped telecaster 1
It has been a while since I’ve finished a guitar, but I want to keep track of them as they are completed and shared with the world. While I have been working on 3 or so different guitars in the past year, this is the second one I’ve finished.

Chasing the skill gap in craft
I have increasingly been battling a feeling of failure in my work. It sounds overly dramatic to phrase it that way, but that’s the emotion I note myself leave my bench with increasingly often – the same feeling of ending a bout of songwriting or sketching only to feel like everything on the page is rubbish.

A quick one on illustrations
I just wanted to share a bit of behind the curtain at some of the illustrations I’ve been doing for Among The Trees’ course material.

Vegan ethics and the plastic economy
I’ve been vegan, or close enough, for coming up on 5 years now. There’s a lot of reasons I ended up altering my already vegetarian eating habits, as there are reasons I shifted away from meat in the years before that. Some of those reasons are complex, like wrestling with the ethics of consuming some animals and loving others, with little other than the societal naming of specific animals as food and others as not food as to why. Some of them are simple, like how I always enjoyed cooking and eating eggs until one day I suddenly couldn’t stomach them, or because I rather liked a woman who was also vegan.
Building my first guitar
I’ve been wanting to add a blog to this website for a while now, to keep track of woodwork projects, thoughts and theories I have on process and politics, and things that I feel a bit too embarassed to pitch to actual publications, but in thinking about the best place to start I thought I’d start with a finished project.